Power generators
Development and manufacture of power supply
and power distribution systems
We have the know-how and the technology to develop and manufacture the right component for your requirements. Our in-house developments are used on land, water and in the air within the military sector. Securely, permanently and certified.
Smart repairs - cost-effective and sustainable
We have built a solid reputation as a classic repair centre for power generators.
Our engineers design the repair processes for the respective components and our electronic, mechatronic and electrical engineers repair them.
Each assembly is tested and certified after processing.
Be it drive motors, control electronics, inverters or generators – we are your reliable partner when it comes to supplying power.
Repairs are often more affordable than new purchases. Assemblies are very cost-intensive, especially in the field of control and power electronics.
Acting sustainably and economically means: Repairing instead of replacing.
The engine starter of a 2 kW power generator is replaced.
Cooperation partner for power generators (SEA)
Mechanische Fertigung von präzisionsgehäuseteilen mit dem ENTRAK Bearbeitungszentrum.
Fertigung mechanischer Komponenten:
kleine Stückzahl, großes Ergebnis!
Für Gehäuseteile, Lagerschilder, Wellen, Torsionswellen, Naben – für die Fertigung aller mechanischen Teile stehen unser Know-how und unser spezieller Maschinenpark bereit. So beherrschen wir alle Bearbeitungsformen, wie:
- CNC-gesteuertes Fräsen und Drehen – für die effektive Produktion von
Serien - Konventionelles Fräsen und Drehen – für die Fertigung von Einzelstücken und Prototypen
- Rundschleifen
- Flächenschleifen
- Bohren